Succeed. Until you don’t!

I’ve succeeded at many things until I didn’t. Let me explain:

  1. I was a damn good soccer player, until it was over (Go BGSU Falcons!)

  2. I was on my way to be a lawyer, until I wasn’t (Bo UC Bearcats!)

  3. I succeeded in a wonderful near 20-year career, until I didn’t (thank you Procter & Gamble!)

  4. I launched a tech start-up and product to market, that succeeded until it didn’t (GaggleInc.)

  5. I’m now launching another start-up (Depot Brewing Company) that I will have success with until I don’t.

The point is this! I have experiences in many things, all of which I’ve succeeded in more than the average person. I failed at some because I was done, others because it/they were done. But, whatever the reason, I’ve learned from all these experiences. And, I’m told I’m pretty good at sharing those experiences.

Scott’s Career - By the Numbers

Brands worked for…